Archive for January, 2007


Today?  I knitted.


My friend Genevieve sent me some super cute toe socks, fuzzy socks (which Im wearing right now, mmm pink), AND a Regina Spektor cd.  In return, Ive started the first… eh, half inch of her mittens.  I will finish these, oh yes I will.  I was delayed a week after we made this deal, the yarn shop was inexlicably closed for business for a full six days after two days of snow.  I got this stuff on Tuesday, started it on Wednesday, and worked for about two hours on it today.  Im new at this whole knitting thing, its fun but it takes a while.  She’s neat.  She told me she had sensitive skin so I went for a pure cotton-from-Australia skein… Ive never worked with cotton before – its not as flexible as wool so I feel like my hands are getting a workout as I do it, its kinda neat.  I’ll have pincer strength like a god by the time Im done.  The cuffs are going to be this color, and the hand is going to be an even brighter green… when I finish.  I WILL FINISH, BY GOD.

I also made a swatch for my super complicated cardigan, hereby known as Bruce.  It will be my magnum opus for 2007.  This is the lace pattern called “phoenix”, after half-assedly blocking it with thumb tacks, a hand towel, and a $10 iron.


I’ll keep ya’ll updated, if you want to hear about it or not.  Ha!  Soapbox!

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I have to get going to get to work here, but I wanted to show you the new sketch that I’ll have up on my little page over there. This is what happens when you have me waiting for a table, I forgot to bring a book, I scrounge around my coat pockets and hallelujiah find a pen, and discover an almost-empty waiter pad under the table. These people were gallently trying to enjoy each other across the room from me, but Im pretty sure none of them wanted to be there. They ended up sitting right behind me once I got to eat.


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Some quick thoughts before I sign off and call my boyfriend. I told him I would call after I ate dinner and Im still slurping on my soup, so I feel this is appropriate.

Im learning how to knit lace! I bought some beautiful hand dyed wool some months back and decided that my magnum opus for 2007 was for me to knit a cardigan. Not just any cardigan, a complicated cardigan. With a lace pattern. And cute sleaves. And those eye-hook thingies that I think are sexy. I tried out the pattern last night and seem to have it down okay, except I need to figure out the difference between an SSK and a K2T. Other than that, Im golden.

Is anyone else a little exasperated with the Democratic reaction to the Presidential Surge? What the hell is a non binding petition? That does nothing, except spin your wheels about how horrible you think the plan is. From what Ive heard so far, the Democrat’s dont have a plan. This one sucks, don’t get me wrong, but it seems like intellectual laziness to criticize something without having an idea of your own. I like Kennedy’s bill, where the president would need congressional approval to do crap like this (yay checks and balances! Its about time), but who knows what’ll happen to it. Im just sayin. You need to kick more ass than this, Democrats.

Im tired and hungry and Ive had salad for three nights in a row now. Darn you, intermediate weight goal! I’m 2.3 pounds away and I dont think Im ever gonna get there. Of course, once I don’t get there, I’ll have another 15 pounds to not lose.  I want chocolate so bad I think I might… would I do something violent for chocolate? That’s one of the signs that its an addiction. Hm. Im gonna think on that.

Until then, my soup is now done. Mmm, box soup. I love this stuff. Im gonna go call James.

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Grumble Grumble


Sorry for the long absence around here. I wrote a few more when I was on vacation; unfortunately I didn’t have a safe internet connection so theyre collectively stewing in their own petulant juices on my laptop. I wonder if it would be worth it to even put them up here? Their going to be password protected, due to the aforementioned petulantness (I like that word. Im going to officially appropriate it). I’ll think about it. One does incorporate my very first sports metaphor, which is rather exciting.

Ive been thinking about my blogroll lately. Three of my favorite blogs have shut down or gone on an extended hiatus in the last month. These are people Ive been reading for over a year, in one case it was one of the first blogs I ever read oh so many years ago, and I had a really nice connection with her, and then we just… drifted apart. I miss them.

Three blogs quietly dying in a month isn’t that rare. I read a factoid somewhere that 1/3 of all blogs die within the first three months, and half of them are inactive after 6 months. People get scared, or bored, or distracted with the dreaded myspace and never come back. They all surf their old, ghost town blog communities, obsessively checking everyone else’s pages and getting frustrated that no one’s updated, don’t even bother to turn to their own (what would they say?), then eventually the fad passes and the group moves on to… I don’t know, talking to each other? Unheard of.

I don’t think that’s why my favorite blogs up there ceased to be. I think they just… Im not sure exactly. Maybe they just ran out of that compulsion to share, or they got what they needed from a blog – more support in their community, or maybe now they feel normal or proud of their life – and they don’t need it anymore. I have no idea. I still miss them. I wish them good luck with whatever the hell theyre doing now.

There’s an odd sense of artificial closeness that comes from reading someone’s blog for a long time. The author is more likely to open up to a faceless, usually supportive audience, and tell things to you that they normally wouldn’t tell their friends and certainly wouldn’t tell you if you met ’em on the street. You learn that people feel the same way you do, and you feel like you know them even though youre only getting to see a very small, carefully selected fraction of who they are. Since youre not getting a complete picture, you can fill in the details to make their story more interesting. You can project yourself into their story, and you feel like youve bonded with the image of them you have in your head.

We all do it. Admit it!

Im not going to even talk about those friends that you make through blogging. That’s a whole other kerfuffle that can lead to stalking on one end, good friends in the middle, and marriage on the other. Never underestimate the almost instant intimacy the internet can bring.

Mistress Matisse was noting that since Time magazine couldn’t make up its damn mind and said that all us blogger folk were Person of the Year (People of the Year, maybe?), that blogging is now “hopelessly out of fashion.” Maybe this is good, maybe the only people who decide to start up blogs will be those who actually have something to say, and have that need (like I do) to reach out to other people, however superficially, and put some effort into their work. Maybe there’ll be more punctuation! I’d like that (says the girl who commonly forgets her apostrophes). I would gladly trade the quantity of new blogs to read for quality.

In any case, Im going to massively revamp my blogroll. Many have gone dark, some Ive kept on, and will continue to keep for sentimental reasons even though they haven’t updated since May of 2005 (and are now evidently password protected – huh!), some have changed their focus so I’ll need to recatagorize them, and many are getting more and more interesting. Im also going to add a few new guys.

If anybody has suggestions for blogs Im missing out on, please let me know. Ive noticed Im gravitating towards blogs that have authors documenting their slow recovery from crippling depression, so anything uplifting but interesting would be nice.

I promise to be around more, too. School is starting up again, which means more time in front of a computer doing some quality procrastination exercises. Ya’ll be good til then.

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